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October 21, 2012


This quote helps to put things in perspective, especially on your darkest days.

It is something that I constantly need to remind myself of. As the true pessimist I am, I also realize that bright days, as is the rainbow, are fleeting, rare, and to be cherished when they
 do occur.

This card, created in My Digital Studio, features a rainbow I spotted in the sky over our land 
the other day. And, yes, the sky was very weird, forming that whitish line across the bottom 
of the rainbow and the leafless tree. I usually cannot capture the beauty of a rainbow with a camera, but this time, I am pleased. The rainbow was only the brief strip as pictured, not a 
whole rainbow arch. 

Lovely to see, no matter how complete it is. Doesn't spotting a rainbow put a brief thrill into 
your day? It does to mine.


1 comment:

  1. I love the quote and the card. The picture you took is beautiful. I love rainbows and I imagine we'll see quite a few this winter.
