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December 9, 2015


I am so pleased! 

Remember in THIS POST where I mourned the spots left by the glue when adhering my "peace" sentiments to the snowflake cards?

I had been hoping to start a discussion of options for fixing this problem on otherwise lovely cards. Since I didn't hear any ideas from anyone, I planned to proceed to try the idea I had been toying with: white gel pen.

This is the card that saddened me the most, as the spots are most evident. Notice them on the left side of the descending portion of the "p".

Well, as I was digging for one of my many white gel pens, I came across my White Stampin' Chalk Marker (page 163). And, once again, I experienced a delightful ah-ha moment! 

I don't always have the most consistent success with a white gel pen, but I have never been disappointed with how my Chalk Marker performs for me. Why not give THAT trusty tool a try?

So, I did. On the card that bugged me the most. And I was so pleased with how nifty that marker worked. I loved the liveliness the random dots added to the card. 

So, what did I do -- since I was so thrilled with my first blush of success? I proceeded to use the Chalk Marker on each and every one of the snowflake cards, whether there were glue issues or not.

So, be honest. What do you think of my "fix"?



  1. I love the little dots. Now I need to find my marker!

  2. These are beautiful cards you made!!
    Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J & J!!!

  3. Oh gosh...SO pretty! I love how it turned out!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  4. Looks like you found your solution!! Either way they are pretty! Thanks for sharing on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday!! Hope to see you again this week!! Pinned!

  5. I love the dots. I think they definitely make the cards look better, more finished, besides hiding a problem. Great solution.

  6. An already beautiful card with a happy accident that makes it even better. Featuring when my party opens up tonight!

  7. That's awesome! Great job on the fix! Clever! Thanks for sharing on Sunday FUNday! I appreciate you linkin up and sharing! xoxo

  8. Gorgeous cards! Love the snowflakes! Thanks for sharing at the Submarine Sunday Link Party!!

  9. So lovely! Thank you for sharing at Friday Frivolity last month (soooo late catching up, but so glad you joined us!) -- I'm really inspired by these gorgeous snowflake cards! Pinning them to remember for next year. :)
