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November 19, 2019

#dailycreating JULY

As many of you already know, I belong to a Facebook group called Daily Creating. Led by visual artist and creative encourager Terry Runyan, those of us in the group are treated to a list of prompts each Sunday that will last us the next seven days. Prompts are optional, but many of us follow them, including me. The real purpose of the group is to encourage us to create something every day. 

Since I wanted to hone my drawing skills -- in addition to my papercrafting -- I hopped on board the group a year ago in August. I have only missed drawing for two daily prompts in all that time. I feel that by following each day's prompt -- whether I "like" it or not -- forces me at times to work outside -- sometimes WAY outside -- my comfort zone, thus strengthening my skills as an artist.

I have shared drawings from each of the months so far since I started. Today I am going to share with you a handful from my July drawings. As always, I will put the prompt above each of the pictures.

Mad Hatter







(I am terrified of moths.)



As you peruse the prompts above each of these drawings, I am sure you may have a few questions. 

Terry has designated each Saturday as either Caturday or Dogurday. Since I'm not wonderful at drawing cats, I tend to gravitate towards drawing dogs.

Also, every Wednesday is #thingonthing day. I usually interpret that prompt somewhat loosely. For example, in my drawings, I have "snail on grass" and "koala on tree". 

Many of the days show multiple prompts. That is the case in the koala -- #thingonthing and #treehugger. Often, it is possible to make a drawing that fits more than one of the day's prompts. 

As I mentioned, the daily prompts are simply suggestions and following them is not at all mandatory. Many of the people in the group follow their own muse, which is great. At least, they are creating!

I post most of my drawings, as well as cards and photography, on my Instagram account. I would be honored if you would follow me along on Instagram at

Thanks for putting up with my gallery of drawings instead of a papercrafting project about once a month!

The small print: Please be cognizant of the fact that this is my personal artwork and not to be used by anyone other than myself without my express permission. Thank you for this respect.



  1. These drawings are awesome! You are so talented. I can’t choose a favorite.


  2. Linda, you are a wonderful artist! I think your drawings are very professional-looking and show the skill that you have. They also exhibit a real sweetness. I hope you continue drawing, prompted or not.

  3. Nicely done. I appreciate your style. Following

  4. Hello Linda,

    I found your link up on Inspire Me Monday. I like your artwork. Clearly you're a talented individual who's passionate with your beloved hobby. I share in the same joy. I take part each week with Thursday Art Date with Rain. If you're not familiar with this, then I invite you to check out my past week's contribution, here. Have an inspiring, blessed week! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I checked out your artwork and it's so charming. I also enjoyed the cartoons you posted. Thanks for the smiles.

  5. Your drawings are just lovely Linda, I especially love the poodle - what a cutie!

  6. They are amazing, you are so talented! I especially love the koala. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned.

    1. Thank you, Teresa! I am so glad you like my koala.
