October 15, 2023

#365birds JULY 2023

It's been almost a year since I started my own personal drawing challenge, #365birds. My intention was to draw a bird every single day for a year. I know that in this post I am sharing drawings I did during the month of July, so I'm behind in that it is now October and I just completed drawing #341! Woo hoo!

Every morning I randomly choose a bird's name from a jar, and that's the bird I will draw for that day. Surprisingly, even almost a year later, I'm really not sick of it. And I'm in the process of figuring out the direction I plan on taking when I complete Day #365.

As a member of Terry Runyan's Facebook group called #dailycreating, we are encouraged to do something creative each day. Terry gives us a list of prompts each week, but since I am doing my own challenge, I don't use her prompts list, even though I am still an active member of her group. So, I'm trying to decide whether I should go back to doing that, i.e., following the daily prompts, or continue marching to my own <bird> drummer.

In this post, I present to you some of the birds I drew during the month of July. As I always do, I will include the day of the challenge it is, the name of the bird, and where in the world the bird can be found.

day 235 - green heron

north america

day 236 - crested coua

dau 237 - owl finch

day 239 - brown-hooded kingfisher
sub-saharan africa

day 242 - broad-billed tody
dominican republic

day 247 - crimson-mantled woodpecker
andes from venezuela to bolivia

day 248 - pearled treerunner
south america

day 249 - green aracari
northeast south america

day 250 - crested barbet
angola, botswana, burundi, democratic republic of the congo, eswatini, malawi, mozambique, namibia, rwanda, south africa, tanzania, uganda, zambia, zimbabwe

day 252 - rose-breasted grosbeak
north america

day 253 - spotted dove
native to southern asia

day 254 - red bishop
native to africa

day 255 - chestnut-colored woodpecker
the caribbean slope

day 257 - hairy-crested antbird
south america

day 260 - wood thrush
north america

day 261 - cape sugarbird
south africa

day 263 - temminck's tragopan
eastern india, southern/central asia, central china

day 264 - malachite sunbird
kenya, malawi, zambia

Whew! I hope you enjoyed my little gallery of July birdies.

If you would ever like prints of any of my bird drawings, please contact me. Thank you for not using my drawings in any way without my permission.

The drawings I post on my blog are just photos I take of the birds. Prints will be scanned from the original.

Give the ones you love wings to fly, 
roots to com back and reasons to stay.
- Dalai Lama -


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